Posts Tagged ‘twill’

some final mini stuff

well, today is the last day of the exhibit. on a total high note, the show recently won a 2010 salt lake city weekly arty award for best sculpture/mixed media exhibition!

a couple good links:

to follow my previous whine about how i didn’t construct the obstacles in a manner to survive the clumsy feet of the masses, i’ve been meaning to post photos of the fixes and adjustments that super-fab artist, salt lake art center preparator and friend jared steffensen (who also won a 2010 arty!) did for my golf hole in mid august. i’ve wanted to collaborate with jared ever since i first stumbled in to his poor yorick studio years ago, so i’m thrilled with this unexpected collaboration of sorts. thanks, jared!!!

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details of a mini green

i’ve been completely remiss in posting these detail shots. these were taken right before the vip opening reception, before the masses attacked. 🙂

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contemporary masters vip reception @ the salt lake art center

the vinyl  information on the floor in front of each hole:

FINALLY DONE!!! —-> Continue reading

piecer, painter, golf hole maker

lisa is the official “painter of the sides”:

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all my carpets

nothing like laying on wool carpets wearing blue jeans in 90+ degree sun:

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100 sq ft… check!

last night, i finished weaving the square footage needed for the mini golf hole! it was more exciting and relieving than i could have predicted, even though we still have a lot of work to do making hazards and pulling the whole piece together. nevertheless, i poured myself a nice, cold, new belgium mothership wit at the end, sat down to a super delicious dinner of chicken marsala (thank you, lisa!) and basked in the glory for at least an hour afterwards. Continue reading

bedrock + stone and cave pool hazards

finished strip for the bedrock, plus the base of the cave pool hazard and the felted stone hazards:

closeup of the diamond twill pattern… it shows up more clearly with more “regular” yarns, and quite knobbly with thicker, varied yarns:

i love the way this herringbone pattern evokes water. this strip will form the base of the cave pool hazard, which will hopefully divert golfers’ balls off course right before they putt out of the bedrock and into the core, where the hole will be:

weaving the bedrock+ water hazard

i’m using a diamond twill for the bedrock:

here it is wrapping up on the front beam:

the warp has four colors:

i’m using an extended herringbone twill + random warp for the water hazard. the orange cord you see below is used for the first few shots to spread out the warp (when you tie it on the front beam, the ends extend in a narrow manner that needs to become regular before weaving). next, i throw a number of shots to get the fabric going, then stop to hemstitch the ends so the fabric doesn’t unravel when i take it off the loom.

mental note: i really need to take the time stamp off the new camera.

about two-fifths done…

my little sister jillian’s dog, rico, hanging out with the sky + grass strips:

another view:

close-up of the herringbone rug:

oh no — a broken warp!

if you weave, it’s bound to happen: a warp thread breaks. here is one of mine doing exactly that:

this one didn’t totally snap, but a few of its plies seemed to have broken, and as a result it became much, much looser than the neighboring ends.

to fix it, i pinned a new warp end to the fabric, threaded it through the correct heddle, and tied it to the good part of the broken end closer to the back beam:

then back to weaving, hemstitch it up, and i’m done with grass no.2.